Results: Finalisation procedures for graduating students

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Finalisation procedures for graduating students

Degrees with Distinction
Award of Honours
Award of the University Medal
Additional assessment for potential graduands

Degrees with Distinction

Undergraduate pass degrees may be awarded with Distinction when a Distinction level of performance based on a WAM of at least 75% has been achieved in all courses completed since enrolment at UNSW which are credited to the relevant award. This applies only to undergraduate pass degrees where an award with Honours is not available, for example the three-year BCom where a student would have to complete a fourth year to be eligible for the BCom with Honours.

Proposals that pass degrees be awarded with Distinction must be made through Faculty committees for approval by the Academic Board. For details, view the 2002 Council Resolution.

Award of Honours

Program authorities who are responsible for programs that lead to a Bachelor’s degree make recommendations concerning graduation with Honours for determination by the Faculty Assessment Review Group. The recommendations should be made by completing the appropriate form that is then distributed to the members of the Faculty Assessment Review Group before the meeting, in accordance with conditions for the award of Honours that are determined by the Faculty Board.

Award of the University Medal

The award of the University Medal is determined twice a year by the University Medal Committee following the Semester 1 and Semester 2 series of Faculty Assessment Review Group meetings. The membership of the University Medal Committee is the Vice-Chancellor or nominee (Chair), the President of the Academic Board, a Deputy President of the Academic Board, and the Registrar or nominee.

Recommendations for the award of a University Medal are forwarded directly from the Faculty Assessment Review Groups for the approval of the University Medal Committee as the final authority for the awarding of the University Medal.

The award of a University Medal indicates that, taking the whole of the academic record into account, a student in an undergraduate program has shown highly distinguished merit and, where Honours are awarded, has performed at a level significantly above the minimum required for Honours Class 1. If there are specialisations within a program that involve sufficiently distinct areas of study, a Medal may be awarded for each such specialisation.

Given that the award of a Medal indicates outstanding academic performance, it is expected that only in exceptional circumstances would there be more than one recommendation for a Medal for a particular specialisation.

If the Medal Committee is of a mind not to award a Medal that has been recommended by a Faculty Assessment Review Group, it will discuss the matter with the appropriate presiding member and head of school, before making a final decision.

Additional assessment for potential graduands

Students who have completed all the requirements for their degree for which they are enrolled, except for a potential failure in one course, will have their status reviewed by the Faculty Assessment Review Group.

Further assessment may be granted, not withstanding a student’s failure to otherwise qualify for such concession (see also How pass conceded grades are determined).

See also

Current Students Results pages