Commonwealth Support Student Contribution Charges and EFTSL

Student Contribution rates - 2010

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Your contribution amount may be affected by when you began your studies. The following table lists 2010 amounts. Asterisks indicate variations, and are explained below the table. A full explanation is in the Government booklet, Information for Commonwealth supported students (pdf, 847KB).

Note: Students enrolling in the University Learning and Teaching program (7375) do not incur a student contribution liability.


Student Contribution amount (per EFSTL)

 humanities, behavioural science, social studies,
 foreign languages, visual and performing arts, education*




 computing, built environment, health, engineering, surveying





 law, medicine, accounting***, administration***,
economics***, commerce***



 National priorities (Band 5):

 mathematics**, statistics**, science**




* Commenced in 2009 (Pre-2010)

If you commenced your program before 1 January 2010 and were a Commonwealth Supported student for a course in that program, you continue to be eligible for the reduced student contribution amount of $4,249 (National Priority rate) for Education courses.

You are considered to be Pre-2010 for a course if:

  • you commenced a program of study before 1 January 2010 and were Commonwealth Supported in relation to that course; and
  • you did not complete the program before 31 December 2009, or if you did complete the program it was:
    • an enabling program or
    • the related program for an Honours degree you are now undertaking.

** Commenced in 2008 (Pre-2009)

If you commenced your program of study before 1 January 2009 you continue to be liable for the student contribution amount of $7,567 (Band 2) for courses in mathematics, statistics or science in 2010. You are not eligible for the reduced National Priority rate.

You are considered to be Pre-2009 if you enrol in any maths, statistics or science courses that form part of a program of study that you commenced before 1 January 2009.

*** Commenced in 2007 or earlier (Pre-2008)

If you commenced your program of study before 2008, and did not complete it by 31 December 2007, you are covered by the transitional arrangements known as 'Pre-2008'. These arrangements allow you to continue to be eligible for the reduced student contribution amount of $7,567 (Band 2) for courses in accounting, administration commerce and economics, in 2010.

You are considered to be Pre-2008 for a course if:

  • you commenced a program of study before 1 January 2008 and were Commonwealth Supported in relation to that course; and
  • you did not complete that program by 31 December 2007, or if you did complete the program it was:
    • an enabling program undertaken in 2007; or
    • the related program for an Honours degree you are now undertaking.

The transitional arrangements apply until the end of 2012.

The Australian Governments booklet, Information for Commonwealth supported students (pdf) provides more details.

Calculating Student Contribution Amounts and EFTSL

Equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL) is a measure of study load for one year on a full-time basis. At UNSW this is defined as 48 units of credit (UOC). The amount of the student contribution depends on the EFTSL value of the course:


Note: Individual course UOC values are available from the UNSW Handbook.

 6 UOC  divided by 48 (total no. of units for a full-time year)  = 0.125 EFTSL
 3 UOC  divided by 48 (total no. of units for a full-time year)  = 0.0625 EFTSL
 8 UOC  divided by 48 (total no. of units for a full-time year)   = 0.167 EFTSL


Ana commences a Bachelor of Commerce in 2010. One of her courses is an Accounting course, ACCT1501. The contribution for this course is $8859 for one EFTSL (Band 3). It's a 6 UOC course, so it has an EFTSL value of 0.125, according to the table above.

Her 2010 student contribution amount for this course is calculated as follows:

 Commerce (Band 3):    




EFTSL value for 6 UOC course:    


Student Contribution:    



Up-front payment discount

Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa receive a 20% discount for full up-front payment or partial payments of $500 or more. Multiply the total amount by 80% to calculate the up-front payment option.

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