Ethical Use of Scholarly Materials

Students must observe academic conventions in the ethical use of the materials of others. Maintaining standards in scholarship requires a commitment to scholarly values. Among such values is the adherence to ethical behaviour.

Many aspects of ethical behaviour come together in the process of research and, in particular, in the use of scholarly materials. In the interests of maintaining high standards in scholarship and research, the University reminds students that when they are completing assignments, conducting research and writing theses, they are ethically bound to:

  • Cite the published source, to acknowledge the originator of substantial ideas upon which they are building their work, and to acknowledge quotations by the use of quotation marks

  • Refer to, or use unpublished scholarly materials only with the appropriate consent, and to acknowledge the source of the materials if that consent is given

  • Refrain from plagiarism with its multiple facets as defined in Student Misconduct Procedures - Annexure 1 (page 15)

  • Ensure that their use of scholarly materials does not result in obstructing access by others, in particular, where such materials are held within the University by a library or research centre

  • Faithfully represent the views of authors cited and not to misrepresent authors’ views either by partial or censored quotation, or by quotation out of context, or by misleading commentary

  • Seek access only to scholarly materials to which they know they are entitled or authorised, and not to attempt to access such material to which they know they are not entitled or authorised (for example, by computer hacking)

  • Respect the rights of other authors and to refrain from tampering with digital records (whether in text, image, sound, or other format) over which the originator has copyright and/or has asserted the moral rights of ownership

  • Refrain from manipulating digital records (whether in text, image, sound, or other format), whether in their original context or in a different context, so as to mislead their audience.

See also University policy: Student Conduct Policy | Plagiarism & Academic Integrity